Lemons Make Laughter

January is finally over, but it did not leave my life without making some very real memories. Yes, as most of you know, Natalie and I went on a beautiful, awe-inspiring, travel bug inducing European adventure. It was everything. But in reality, that’s not what this post is about. There are some related connections, but all together this about the old saying “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. Yes, that’s lovely and all, but I think we should change it up a bit and say “when life gives you lemons, make laughter”. At least that was my January motto.

My entire life I have been accident prone, a magnet for weird situations and sometimes self-inflicted consequences of ditsiness. At some point, I decided to look at these situations as character builders and opportunities for laughter (maybe not immediately, but eventually). January was showered with these incidents, and just to give you the highlight reel:

  • Blew a my charging adapter my first night in Spain, thus making our hotel room smell (sorry Nat).
  • I sprained (potentially tore ligaments) in my thumb. It was cute and bruised and I’m still wearing a ever-fashionable thumb brace.
  • I got the Contiki cold which was lovingly shared among the 38 people on my tour.
  • I got locked out of my house… TWICE (in 48 hours).
  • My cat got loose and I had to crawl under a bush to get her.

At one point my wonderful roommate (who had been dealing with my hot messness all week) texted that he was “just being a knight for a damsel in distress” (after leaving work to let me in our house). I wish I could say that pulled some serious Meg sass:


Buuuttt, I had to admit, I was January’s damsel in distress and I had/needed some help through it. It’s ok though. Everyone has these moments, albeit some (me) more regularly than others, but they make for good stories. You have to take these moments, these lemons, and turn them into a laughter. January was a great month, really it was freaking fantastic. It’s minor incidents just added some coloring and comic relief. Granted, I have intentionally prepared so February conducts itself more smoothly (lists, several self pep talks, etc) because my body, bank account, friends and overall mental state of mind cannot handle another month like January. But #noregrets and lots of laughter.


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